What are the rules for constructing a new driveway?

A new driveway is a terrific way to increase the curb appeal of your property while also increasing its value. However, before you start brainstorming ideas, you should be aware of a piece of legislation.

Driveway legislation

The purpose of driveway legislation is to lessen the impact of flooding. Simply put, any new driveway larger than 5m2 must include a drainage system that allows water to flow to a permeable area. If it doesn't, you'll have to apply for planning clearance.

Because the UK gets its fair share of rain, there are a slew of issues that could contribute to an increase in rainfall flooding of street drains and driveways. However, there are a variety of innovative and long-lasting drainage solutions available for every household or budget. We'll look at two methods for complying with driveway regulations in this article: driveway drainage and permeable paving.

Permeable paving

Our permeable pavement provides a totally sustainable driveway that requires no additional drainage and does not require planning clearance. The paving is meant to allow rainwater to soak directly into the ground below, lowering flood risk by not overwhelming the street drains. There is a solution for every property kind, with a variety of designs and colors. Two examples of permeable paving are shown below.

Other things to think about when designing a driveway

If you live in a Conservation Area, you'll need to think about a few more things when designing your driveway, but a good landscaper can walk you through it and help you pick the correct materials.

When determining the proper drainage, the dimensions and position of your driveway must be taken into account, as well as what lies beneath the ground. The state and quality of the soil will determine how quickly any stored water drains, and any underground services such as sewer pipes or electricity cables must be avoided.

What Are the Best Pavers to Use?

There has never been a better time to replace your driveway than now. It's the first thing visitors notice when they come to your house.

For any of your paving needs, contact us immediately. We can assist you in selecting the appropriate paving stones to make your driveway a focal point of your property.