Latest Trends in Paving Stones

Whatever you call it: interlock, paving stones, cobblestone, brick, pavers, or pavers, this durable and attractive paving alternative is still a favorite hardscaping choice for UK residents. It's tough enough to handle our severe environment and seasonal ups and downs, and it comes in a variety of colors and patterns to give your driveway, sidewalk, patio, and pool area personality.

Professionally planned and installed interlock is the perfect material for adding elegance and luxury to your home's curb appeal while also being both practical and cheap. The experts at Cementlime will give you a sneak peak at the latest trends in interlocking paving stones in this article.

Living Outdoors

Due to the growing amount of time we spend at home, many homeowners will continue to invest in their outdoor living spaces in 2021. Interlock stone is an excellent choice for enhancing the aesthetics and usefulness of UK homes. Popular choices for outdoor living areas include:

• Outdoor cooking areas
• Rooms for outdoor living
• Patios with many levels
• Surroundings of the spa and pool
• Pads for grilling
• Campfire pits and outdoor fireplaces

Integrated High-Tech Features

Interlocking landscaping and hardscaping projects are becoming increasingly dependent on home technology. As a result, many of our interlocking designs have hidden power supply lines and access points, allowing homeowners to seamlessly install supplementary amenities such as:

• Power outlets and USB charging ports
• Heating in the open air
• Lighting that is recessed
• Surround sound systems
• Water and fire features

Not Just for the Sidewalk and the Driveway

Pavers aren't just for driveways and walkways any longer. Interlock bricking is being used by many homeowners to cover considerable areas (often the full) of their front, back, and side yards. Interlock pavers and slab stones are also commonly used in the following areas:

• Surrounds of the pool and spa
• Patios with many levels
• Porches and steps
• Pits for fire
• Ponds and fountains
• Gardens of ornamental grasses

Combinations Are Unlimited

Whether you're utilizing interlock bricks in a driveway, walkway, parking lot, or outdoor living space, the design and arrangement possibilities are virtually unlimited for a really distinctive look and feel. Let's take a look at some of the design aspects that can assist you in achieving the ideal interlock look:


Interlock pavers and slabs can be laid out in a variety of ways to create stunning patterns. The following are some paver pattern trends to keep an eye on:

• Stripes
• Mosaics
• Complete paving
• Checkerboard
• Zigzag
• Illusions in cubes


Using pavers of various shapes is a vital aspect of making your interlock surface's pattern stand out. The following are some of the most popular interlocking brick shapes:

• Linear
• Square
• Diamond
• Geometric


Using varying sizes of bricks in your interlock pattern is a terrific way to add interest. In some of our favorite interlocking designs, we're seeing more and more integration of both larger slabs and smaller pavers.


Interlocking stones now come in a larger range of textures. The stone's tightness has a significant impact on how the surface looks and functions. It's critical to speak with your paving contractor about how you want to utilize your interlock surface so that you can determine the type of stone and texture that will best suit your needs.


The world of interlock has been flooded with color, and we are loving it! More designs are incorporating various colors and tones and shades in a wider range of tones and tints. Color will play an important role in attaining the style you want for your interlock driveway, entrance, patio, or outdoor living space, whether you're striving for a classy monotone aesthetic or a design that drips with character and originality.

Surfaces That Are Hybrid

Pavage Massie is well-known for its smooth installation of hybrid surfaces that combine interlock and asphalt. These hybrid paved surfaces are an excellent choice for individuals who want to combine the interlocking aspect of interlocking pavers with the utility and cost-effectiveness of asphalt.

What Are the Best Pavers to Use?

For any of your paving needs, contact us immediately. We can assist you in selecting the appropriate paving stones to make your driveway a focal point of your property.