We get a lot of questions at Cementlime about which paving choice is best, how to maintain them looking newer for longer, and how easy it is to install them. This is particularly true when searching to purchase Sandstone paving stones. With that in mind, we decided to compile a top ten list of the most often asked questions.

1. Is Sandstone Suitable For Use In Paving?

This is by far the most popular question we get in regards to sandstone slabs, therefore we decided to answer it first. Sandstone is suitable for paving, in a nutshell. Here's the lengthier version of the response. Sandstone is a really adaptable material with a lot of strength and durability, and when you combine that with the natural assortment of colors and patterns that build over thousands of years, you have the perfect combination for paving.

2. Is It Exhausting to Wear?

As previously said, sandstone paving is quite durable, which means it is naturally resistant to the elements. While it will absorb a limited amount of water, you can easily lessen this by applying a sealant to your sandstone pavement after it has dried and settled in its new location. This also means you won't have to be concerned about the slab's appearance changing due to inclement weather.

3. When Wet, Are Sandstone Slabs Slippery?

As previously said, sandstone paving is quite durable, which means it is naturally resistant to the elements. While it will absorb a limited amount of water, you can easily lessen this by applying a sealant to your sandstone pavement after it has dried and settled in its new location. This also means you won't have to be concerned about the slab's appearance changing due to inclement weather.

4. How Long Does Sandstone Paving Last?

Sandstone can withstand the colder aspects of British weather, but if the paving is exposed to bright sunshine for lengthy periods of time, the sandstone will begin to fade. While this may appear to be a disadvantage of this paving option at first glance, it is actually the contrary. The faint fading effect that appears on the surface actually adds character to your patio and might begin to display a pleasant and engaging aspect.

5. How Easy Is It To Keep It Clean?

Sandstone is one of the most durable stones available for pavement, but that doesn't mean it should be overlooked. Simply sweeping and hosing them down at least once a month will help eliminate any dirt and grime buildups, allowing the paving to maintain a more manageable level of care. You can also choose to invest in some aftercare items to offer an extra layer of protection to make upkeep even easier.

6. Is Sandstone Paving Required To Be Sealed?

Unfortunately, because this is a topic that is extensively disputed in the landscaping community, there is no conclusive answer. While many landscapers would suggest that putting a sealer will assist to protect them, others will argue that sealant will actually harm the sandstone paving. In this circumstance, the best thing to do is talk to your landscaper about your alternatives and decide what will work best for your patio.

7. Sandstone Paving Stains: How Do You Remove Them?

You may believe that if you stain your paving, you would have to replace the entire slab, but this is not the case. Warm soapy water will work if the stain isn't too severe, but for tougher stains, you may need to use something stronger, such as a bleach combination made up of equal parts water to bleach. Just remember that if you're using a harsher solution, you should only keep it on the paving slab for a maximum of 30 minutes before properly rinsing it off.

8. Are There Different Finishes For Sandstone? (Smooth, Riven)

The variety of treatments available on sandstone slabs is one of their best advantages. Sandstone paving is available in two different finishes: smooth and riven.

Smooth pavement has been machine worked after the primary paving rock has been split. It's ideal for exhibit places that don't get a lot of traffic.

Riven - When the slab is broken from the main paving rock, it frequently leaves ridges in the paving's surface. The riven texture is this. Ideal for outdoor use and regions with a high volume of foot activity.

These various sorts of treatments contribute to the versatility of sandstone paving, allowing you to select the ideal solution for your patio area.

9. What Sandstone Colors Are Available?

It should come as no surprise that sandstone paving comes in a wide range of colors, including the traditional-looking sawn mint, which combines several light tones to produce a warm summer vibe, and the more neutral-looking sawn grey sandstone, which features multiple grey tones. If you prefer a 'sunset' effect, the fall blend's deeper tones are guaranteed to capture your eye. The beautiful thing about these colors is that they've all developed organically over thousands of years, so it's simple to see why they offer so much personality to any garden patio.

10. What Is The Longevity Of Sandstone?

This question is more difficult to answer than others due to a number of elements that influence the longevity of sandstone paving, such as -

Installation - One of the most important elements that affects the durability of sandstone slabs is how they are installed. The paving will last for a long period if it is done correctly, perhaps up to 25 years, but the converse is true for poorly installed sandstone paving. If installed incorrectly, you may only get 2 to 10 years out of it.

Maintenance - As previously said, proper paving maintenance can help keep your paving looking new and fresh for longer. As a result, the slab's health improves, suggesting it will live longer.

Usage - This is probably self-evident, but it bears mentioning. If the pavement is used frequently, it will wear down faster than if it is used infrequently.

Note: The information supplied is only intended to be used as a guide. For any questions about sandstone paving or the installation of sandstone paving slabs, please contact a competent and knowledgeable professional.

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